

News 2024
Professor Toussaint der TU Berlin hält einen VortragKCIST Colloquium: Planning in the Age of Learning - for Robotic Task and Motion Planning

Marc Toussaint, Professor for Intelligent Systems at TU Berlin, gave a talk on "Planning in the Age of Learning -- for Robotic Task and Motion Planning" on Thursday, April 04, 2024 at 14:00 in the Atrium of Building 50.19. His research combines Planning, Optimization, Inference, and Machine Learning (ML) to tackle fundamental problems in Robotics and Physical Reasoning. Further information
Jugendliche in einem Labor arbeiten an kleinen humanoiden RoboternBOGY Internships at H²T

Once again there will be BOGY internships at H²T this year, for which we are excited to announce the date:
From April 22 - 26, 2024 the research group of Professor Asfour will offer internships (German: Berufs- und Studienorientierung an Gymnasien) for groups of school students in the field of robotics.
It is a cooperation between the H²T and the KIT Center Information · Systems · Technologies (KCIST).

Further information on how to apply
Dokumente liegen verteilt auf einem TischCall for application:
SICK Science Award 2022/2023

In 2024, KCIST, in cooperation with the KIT-Stiftung, will again award two prizes funded by the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation to honor excellent scientific work in 2022 and 2023 in the research field of KCIST.

The deadline for submitting applications is April 14, 2024.

Further information on how to apply
News 2023
HörsaalKCIST Colloquium:
Stable adaptation and learning

Professor Jean-Jacques Slotine, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Information Sciences, and Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Director of the Nonlinear Systems Laboratory at MIT, gave a talk on "Stable adaptation and learning" on Monday, Decembre 04, 2023 at 15:45 (Bldg. 50.20, Room 148). Research in Professor Slotine’s laboratory focuses on developing rigorous but practical tools for nonlinear systems analysis and control. These have included key advances and experimental demonstrations in the contexts of sliding control, adaptive nonlinear control, adaptive robotics, machine learning, and contraction analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems.

Further information
Open DayOpen House @ H²T

As part of the European Robotics Week 2023, H²T opened its doors to visitors on Friday, November 17, 2023, from 13:00 to 17:00. Our open house allows visitors to experience first hand the research of robotic AI through demonstrations of the humanoid ARMAR robots.

With the help of artificial intelligence, the robots of the ARMAR family are able to learn from humans and interact with people in natural language. The lab tour provides an insight into how robots will be able to support us in the future in our everyday lives. There was also the opportunity for the visitors to interact with one of the humanoid ARMAR robots themselfes.

Further information
Ein Mann macht sich zu einem Vortrag NotizenKCIST Colloquium:
Seminar on Software Technology Transfer

The transfer of scientific knowledge out of research institutions into business and society is important to achieve real benefits and sustainable impact. The transfer of technologies creates innovation by developing new products, processes or services that improve people's lives or create new business opportunities.

On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 14:30 the online-seminar on "Software Technology Transfer - Enter into Dialog with KIT Transfer Officers" by Dr. Dirk Feuchter, Licence Manager and Birgit Schulze, Innovation Manager took place.

Key questions that were discussed: How relevant is the idea of transfer and exploitation in the design of a software project? What considerations help in the selection of a suitable license model? Which constraints should be considered during the development phase?

Further information
GerlingKathrin Gerling receives Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC)

Kathrin Gerling, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR), aims to make virtual reality accessible to people with physical disabilities with her project "AccessVR".

Virtual reality holds enormous potential for leisure, education and work. But currently most VR systems are designed for non-disabled people. Prof. Gerling's goal is to remove physical, digital and experiential barriers.

The European Research Council supports outstanding young researchers with Starting Grants.

Further information
Herr Professor Spetzger wird der Verdienstorden von Ministerpräsident Kretschmann überreichtProfessor Spetzger receives Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg

We are proud to announce, that our dear colleague, Honorary Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c.  Uwe Spetzger has been awarded with the Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg by Minister President Winfried Kretschmann for his efforts during the COVID pandemic. On this occasion Minister Kretschmann pointed out, that the core of Professor Spetzger’s tireless commitment in research and in everyday clinical practice is the humanitarian obligation of a medical doctor to place his life in the service of humanity.

We congratulate Professor Spetzger for this great honor.

Further information
Vortrag_PräsentationTalk by Prof. Michael Grossniklaus:
"Advances in Cardinality Estimation for Database Systems "

Professor Michael Grossniklaus from the University of Konstanz will give a talk about "Advances in Cardinality Estimation for Database Systems" on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 13:15 in Room -102, Bldg. 50.34.

Michael Grossniklaus is a Full Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Konstanz since 2017. His research area is database and information systems, focusing on query optimization. Apart from relational database systems, Prof. Grossniklaus and his team are also interested in non-relational database systems, particularly graph database systems.

Further information
Zuschauerin in einem Plenum nimmt ein Foto von der Präsentation mit dem Handy aufKCIST Colloquium: Networks and Epidemics

Clara Stegehuis, Associate Professor at the University of Twente will give a talk on "Networks and epidemics" on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 9:45 (Bldg. 50.31, Room 107).
The research of Stegehuis is located in the areas of probability theory and stochastic networks. Her scientific investigations are inspired by applications in network science, physics and computer science.


Further information
Ein Mann hält einen VortragKCIST Colloquium: Data Analytics and Process Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing - When Big Data Gets Physical

Dragan Djurdjanovic, Associate Director of the NSF Engineering Research Center on Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies, at the University of Texas at Austin, gave a lecture on "Data Analytics and Process Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing - When Big Data Gets Physical" in building 50.36, room 010 (KIT) on Tuesday, June 06, 2023 at 16:00.

Further information
vortragKCIST Colloquium: Mastering New Visual Understanding Tasks in 3D Scenes with Efficient Learning

Ziad Al-Halah, Assistant Professor of Computer Science in The University of Utah, gave a talk on "Mastering New Visual Understanding Tasks in 3D Scenes with Efficient Learning" on Tuesday, May 25, 2023 at 10:00 in bldg. 50.20 room 148.

His work has been recognized with a best paper award (ICPR’14) and as the first place winner of the Habitat Challenge (PointNav) at CVPR'20 and the Textbook Question Answering Challenge (TQA) at CVPR'17.

Further information
Noémie AIDr. Noémie Jaquier is one of the AI Newcomers of the Year

Noémie Jaquier, PostDoc at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR), is one of ten newcomers honoured by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) at the international AI Camp 2023 on 26 April 2023 for their research work and extraordinary commitment in the field of artificial intelligence. Her research brings a new perspective to robot learning, optimisation and control by using Riemannian geometry as an inductive bias and developing data-efficient algorithms with solid theoretical guarantees.

Further information (only German)
vortragKCIST Colloquium: Future action models for AI-powered and cognitively-enabled robots

Michael Beetz, Professor for Computer Science at the University of Bremen and Director of the Institute for Artificial lntelligence, gave a talk on "Future action models for AI-powered and cognitively-enabled robots" on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 16:00 in bldg. 50.20 room 148.

In the talk, he sketched ideas about a knowledge representation and reasoning (KR\&R) framework based on explicitly-represented and machine-interpretable inner-world models, that enable robots to contextualize underdetermined manipulation task requests on the first attempt.

Further information
CorkeKCIST Colloquium: CANCELLED!

Due to unexpected circumstances, unfortunately we have to cancel the talk of Peter Corke,  Distinguished Professor of Robotic Vision at Queensland University of Technology, Australia on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 11.30.

Further information
Studierende im Hörsaal schauen nach vorne, eine Frau nimmt mit dem Smartphone ein Foto auf.Talk by Dr. Patrick Schäfer:
"Unleashing the Potential of Unsupervised Time Series Analytics"

Dr. Patrick Schäfer from Humboldt University (HU) Berlin gave a presentation about "Unleashing the Potential of Unsupervised Time Series Analytics: Recent Advances and Breakthroughs" on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 10:30 in Bldg. 50.34, room 301.

Patrick Schäfer is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer of Computer Science at HU Berlin. His main research interests include scalable TS analytics, including supervised tasks, such as classification, and unsupervised tasks, such as motif discovery and segmentation.

Further information
Fellowship für Anne Koziolek und Steffen BeckerFellowship awarded to Anne Koziolek and Steffen Becker

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Koziolek (KIT - KASTEL) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker (University Stuttgart) received the teaching fellowship for “Lehrinnovationen und Unterstützungsangebote in der digitalen Hochschullehre Baden-Württemberg”. The Fellowship is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the Stifterverband. Professor Koziolek and Professor Becker received the funding for their collaboration in the project "Transfer of an innovative programming education with Mini Programming Worlds (TiPMin)".

Further information (only German)
Waibel Titanic lecture speechInvitation: Lecture on Expedition to Wrack of Titanic, Feb. 06, 2023

Im Juli 2022 testete ein internationales Team des KIT und der Carnegie Mellon University während einer U-Boot-Expedition zum Wrack der Titanic in rund 4.000 Metern Tiefe neuartige Videokonferenzsysteme. Der Vortrag beschreibt die Forschungsreise in Bildern (Vortrag auf Deutsch, automatisch und simultan in verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt): 06.02.2023, 19:00 Uhr, Johann-Gottfried-Tulla-Hörsaal des KIT.

Further information
Roboter und Mensch geben sich die Hand zur BegrüßungKCIST introduced itself:
KIT at City Hall on January 30, 2023

On January 30, 2023 the KCIST presented its research activities at Karlsruhe City Hall. The citizens expected exciting lectures by KIT scientists around the guiding theme "The Age of Data and Artificial Intelligence". The Lord Mayor of Karlsruhe, the President of KIT and the scientific spokesperson of KCIST cordially invited to the event.

Further information
News 2022
Personen folgen einer PräsentationTalk by Prof. Marius Kloft:
"Deep Anomaly Detection"

Professor Marius Kloft from the University of Kaiserslautern gave a talk about "Deep Anomaly Detection" on Friday, December 9, 2022 at 10:30 at the Karlsruher Decision and Design Laboratory - KD2Lab, in Bldg. 01.85 (Zähringer-Haus).

Marius Kloft has worked and researched at various institutions in Germany and the US and is a Professor of Machine Learning at TU Kaiserslautern since 2017.

Further information
Besucher eines Vortrages blicken auf die Leinwand und den VortragendenKCIST Colloquium:
How to Build Developing Minds

Yukie Nagai, Project Professor at the International Research Center for Neurointelligence of the University of Tokyo gave a talk on "How to Build Developing Minds" on Friday, December 09, 2022 at 11:00 in bldg. 50.20 room 148.

Together with her group she has been investigating human minds by a computational approach.

Further information
Studierende im Hörsaal schauen nach vorne, eine Frau nimmt mit dem Smartphone ein Foto auf.Talk by Prof. Arun Rajkumar:
"Learning to Rank from Pairwise Comparisons"

On Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:30 in bldg. 50.34 room -101, Prof. Arun Rajkumar from IIT Madras gave a talk about the problem of learning to rank from a set of pairwise comparisons.

Arun Rajkumar is currently an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering department of IIT Madras and leads the Machine Learning Theory lab at IITM.

Further information
Ein Mann mit Brille für Virtuelle Realität im Hintergrund. Im Vordergund steht "Sale Sale Sale"!KD2School presents:
KIT Adaptive Systems Talks

On Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 16:30, the "KIT Adaptive Systems Talks" took place at TRIANGEL Open Space at Kronenplatz Karlsruhe. On this occasion, the DFG graduate school "KD2School" celebrated its first anniversary.
Prof. Christian Montag (University of Ulm), Roland Weiss (Head of R&D at ABB), Dr. Carolin Kaiser (Head of AI at NIM), and Prof. Anja Dieckmann (HS Aalen) have been speakers for this event. KIT Vice-President Research, Prof. Dr. Oliver Kraft, has also announced his visit.

Participation is free of charge; due to the limited number of seats, early registration is requested.

Further information and registration
Tag der offenen Tür 2019European Robotics Week
Open House at H²T

As part of the European Robotics Week 2022, the Chair of High-Performance Humanoid Technologies (KIT, Adenauerring 2, Geb. 50.20, EG) opened its doors on November 25, 2022 from 13:00 - 17:00.

Interested citizens were able to get an insight into the current research on intelligent, humanoid robots to support humans in everyday life and work.

In addition to the laboratory tour, guests had the opportunity to get hands-on and interact with various humanoid robots.

Further information
links: Bundesverbraucherschutzministerin Steffi Lemke; rechts: Peter Mayer, KITKIT Research Group SECUSO Receives Federal Consumer Protection Award

The research group SECUSO (Security, Usability, and Society) of the KIT has been awarded with the Federal Consumer Protection Award by the German Consumer Protection Foundation (DSV). “IT security has to be comprehensible and feasible for everybody,” Professor Melanie Volkamer, Head of the SECUSO research group, explains their ambitions. “To achieve this, we offer free and clear information material on how to protect against fraudulent messages and protect user accounts with secure passwords.”

The foundation of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations hands out this award to exceptional consumer protection projects. On Monday, September 26, 2022 the award was presented by Federal Minister for Consumer Protection Steffi Lemke in Berlin.

To the press release
Roboter legt Kleidungsstück zusammenTwo Best Paper Awards at IROS 2022 for SpeedFolding-Paper

The paper “SpeedFolding: Learning Efficient Bimanual Folding of Garments” by the authors Yahav Avigal (UC Berkeley), Lars Berscheid, Tamim Asfour, Torsten Kroeger (KIT - IAR) and Ken Goldberg (UC Berkeley) was awarded with the Best Conference Award as well as the Best RoboCup Paper Award at the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan.
Folding garments efficiently is a long standing challenge in robotic manipulation. The researchers primary contribution is a novel neural network architecture that is able to predict two corresponding poses to identify a set of bimanual action primitives for garments folding. After learning from 4300 human actions, the robot is able to fold garments in under 120s on average with a success rate of 93%. 

Further information
Robert-Piloty-PreisRobert Piloty Prize for Prof. Jürgen Becker

The TU Darmstadt usually awards the Robert Piloty Prize to renowned scientists every two years. Professor Jürgen Becker (ITIV) has been awarded the Robert Piloty Prize 2022 for his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of efficient design of dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, especially in the area of safety-critical applications. The honour is awarded for outstanding achievements in computer science, electrical engineering and information technology as well as applied mathematics and is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and a medal.


Further information
Titel der Veranstaltung und darunter Silhouetten von Personen in unterschiedlichen FarbenAcatech online event: Artificial intelligence in medicine - how can its potential be used responsibly?

On October 04, 2022 from 19:30 - 21:00, an online lecture entitled "Artificial intelligence in medicine - How can its potential be used responsibly?" with subsequent discussion will be held as part of the "acatech on Tuesday" event series in collaboration with vhs.wissen live. The speaker will be Prof. Dr. Peter Dabrock, Professor of Systematic Theology (Ethics) at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Using the example of applications of AI in the health care system, the opportunities as well as possible problems of artificial intelligence will be discussed.
Participation in the event is free of charge. Registration is required by October 3, 2022.

Further information (only German)
In großen modernen KI-Modellen für die Zeitreihenvorhersage, sogeannten Transformer-Netzwerken, werden Unsicherheiten auf die Vorhersage bestimmtNew AI junior research group at SCC

On September 1, 2022 the new junior research group "Robust and Efficient Artificial Intelligence" started at SCC under the leadership of Dr. Charlotte Debus. The group emerges from the BMBF project EQUIPE, which Dr. Debus successfully funded in a call for proposals for AI junior research groups within the framework of the BMBF guideline for the promotion of young researchers. The EQUIPE project aims to develop scalable and efficient methods for quantifying uncertainties in AI-based time series prediction and will fund the group leader and two additional PhD students over 3 years.

To the press release
Personen folgen einer PräsentationAI Engineering Workshop 2022

All KIT researchers and interested parties are invited to participate in the workshop on "AI Engineering" organized by Professor Beigl (TECO) and his staff on September 23, 2022 at the Triangel Open Space.

This workshop tries to bring together researchers from academia and industry to discuss the topic of Engineering AI and Engineering AI systems from many viewpoints and perspectives. The overall outcome of the workshop will be a short position paper summarizing different aspects and viewpoints of Engineering AI.

Free of charge, registration is required.

Further information and schedule
Aquarellbild einer Maschinenhand, die mit dem Zeigefinger die Hand eines Menschen berührtAI Hub@Karlsruhe // Networking Event

From October 05 - 07, 2022 Cian Ates and Edouard Fouché are organizing the AI Hub @ Karlsruhe, an interdisciplinary networking event at KIT to bring researchers and practitioners with different backgrounds, at different career stages, and from different communities together to meet and exchange ideas about the recent developments and applications of AI.
Their goal is not to hold an “academic conference”, but to create an environment where different players can meet, discuss and share the exciting developments in their fields.

Participation is free, registration is required until September 30, 2022.

To the AI Hub@Karlsruhe website
Portrait von Herrn Professor André PlatzerKIT receives Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

Germany’s best-endowed research prize was awarded to computing expert André Platzer who is coming to KIT as a Humboldt Professor for artificial intelligence. His research is about making computer assistance systems for trains and aircrafts extremely safe. At KIT, Platzer will assume the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Logic of Autonomous Dynamical Systems and head the new Institute for Reliability of Autonomous Dynamical Systems, where he will seek synergies for the application of reliable CPS in other fields.

To the press release
KIT at City Hall

On July 18, 2022, the KIT Center Humans and Technology presented its research at Karlsruhe City Hall. Under the title "Wandel gestalten", scientists presented current projects in science slams. In parallel, the MobiLab opened its doors in front of Karlsruhe City Hall on that day. Prof. Asfour and Prof. Hillerbrand answered the citizens questions at the MobiLab Science Bench on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from 16:00 - 18:00.

To the MobiLab Programm (PDF only German)
Hand mit ausgestrecktem Zeigefinger nähert sich einem DisplayNew KIT-Startup: Aimino

Making AI systems more robust and secure with the help of artificial data - this is what the start-up Aimino Tech GmbH, founded in March 2021, is working on. Until now, a lack of data has limited system performance in many AI projects. As a result, they block the use of AI solutions in industry. Aimino's solution closes this data gap by producing synthetic, i.e. artificially generated, data that maximizes system performance. The goal is to increase the technical and economic added value of AI applications based on high data quality and quantity.

To the Aimino website
LRU2 (Light weight rover unit 2) greift eine Gesteinsprobe vom Boden und legt sie in seine TransportboxExploring alien worlds with robot teams: demo mission on Mt. Etna

To conclude the Helmholtz Future Project "ARCHES", the demo mission "Space" was conducted on the Sicilian volcano Etna from June 28, 2022 to July 1, 2022. The goal of the mission is to coordinate specialized robotic teams to explore inaccessible environments, such as other planets. In one part of the mission, an exploration of the moon was simulated, where, among other things, rock samples were successfully collected autonomously with the help of a humanoid hand developed by H²T.

To the press release
SCROScience Camp Robotik

Our next Science Camp will take place from 31 October to 4 November. In the camp, a group of school students will learn some basic, fundamental concepts of robotics and computer science and put them in practice, by programming the NAO humanoid robot. The Camp is a cooperation between KCIST, the KIT research group High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T), the ZML and the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe.

Further information
bunte Nacht DigitalisierungBunte Nacht der Digitalisierung

The Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics opens its doors on 1 July from 15.00- 21.00 and gives an insight into its current research.
Get an idea of the research on artificial intelligence and robotics. Get to know humanoid robots of the ARMAR family, prostheses and exoskeletons that support people in everyday life and at work. Test the Lecture Translator and have your spoken words translated in real time. Learn more about artificial intelligence for robotics and speech technologies.

To the website
Ein Mann auf einem Fahrrad, eine Frau daneben, um ihren Kopf ist ein computergenerierter Würfel aus blauen LinienHelmholtz Doctoral Prize for Dr.-Ing. Alina Roitberg

Alina Roitberg, a PostDoc at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics was awarded the Helmholtz Doctoral Prize for mission-oriented research in the field "Information" for her dissertation "Uncertainty-aware Models for Deep Learning-based Human Activity Recognition and Applications in Intelligent Vehicles". The Research Foundation rewards outstanding achievement and is intended to encourage future doctoral candidates to carry out mission oriented research and to position themselves at the interface between science and applications.

More information about the Helmholtz Doctoral Prize
Blick ins TRIANGEL Gebäude, der humanoide Roboter Pepper begrüßt die BesucherTIL: FESTIVAL at TRIANGEL Open Space from May 18 - 21, 2022

During the Opening Week from May 18 - 21, 2022 of the TRIANGEL Open Space at Kronenplatz in Karlsruhe, TRIANGEL invites you to diverse lectures, impulses, discussions, art and culture under the motto #TIL.
#TIL stands for Today I Learned..., i.e. the impulse to learn, to discover new things, to broaden one's own perspective and in this sense represents KIT as a place of learning and research.

Free of charge, no registration required.

TIL:FESTIVAL program (German only)
tahooriERC Advanced Grant for KCIST-Member Professor Mehdi Tahoori

In its 2021 awarding round, the European Research Council (ERC) has decided to award an Advanced Grant to computer scientist Mehdi Tahoori, Professor for Dependable Nanocomputing at KIT. With his project PRICOM (stands for: Printed Computing) Professor Tahoori intends to enable dissemination of fast, inexpensive, and reliable (mini)computers on the consumer market and in personalized medicine. PRICOM focuses on the development of new computer architectures that are no longer based on conventional silicon chips, but on the principle of additive manufacture.

To the press release
Markus Breig, KITKarlsruhe Research Factory: Industrializing Production Processes Rapidly

Ceremonial opening of the development and demonstration center - Minister President Kretschmann: "Research factory will be important future laboratory for companies."

To the press release (German only)
Pascal Friederich blickt lächelnd den Betrachter anHeinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize goes to Pascal Friederich

Pascal Friederich, Tenure-track Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Informatics (ITI) and head of the research group AiMat (Artificial Intelligence for Materials Sciences), is awarded the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The prize in the amount of 20,000 € is the most important recognition of early-career researchers in Germany.

Pascal Friederich’s interdisciplinary work concentrates on the use of artificial intelligence for the simulation of materials, virtual materials design, and autonomous experimental platforms for automatic materials recognition.

To the press release
Blätter mit Texten und Bildern verstreut auf einem TischCall for application: SICK Science Award 2021

In 2022, KCIST, in cooperation with the KIT Foundation (KIT-Stiftung), will again award two prizes supported by the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation to honor excellent scientific work in the previous year in the research field of KCIST.
Deadline for submitting applications:

April 30, 2022.

Further information on how to apply
Bunte Würfel mit Buchstaben bilden zusammen das Wort InnovationNew start-up at KIT: Daedalus

The German-American start-up Daedalus is pursuing the major goal of building the world's first autonomous and reconfigurable factories and is currently building its first autonomous factory for precision parts in Karlsruhe. Three of the company's four founders studied at KIT. The AI start-up develops innovative software and robot solutions that allow companies to build autonomous factories in which precision parts are manufactured without human input. Daedalus' software-controlled factories will make high-precision manufacturing scalable in the future, bringing the benefits of automation to customers of all sizes, regardless of quantities.

To the Daedalus webpage
Menschen stehen in einer kleinen Gruppe versammelt und unterhalten sichCommunity Dialogues: anchoring society in everyday scientific life

Challenges such as the climate change or the corona pandemic are increasingly raising public awareness of science. But what expectations and wishes do citizens have of the work of researchers?

The KIT is addressing this question and, starting in 2022, will regularly invite citizens to dialogs designed by researchers of the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS).

To the press release
Eine Straße von oben auf der mehrere Autos fahrenNew start-up at KIT: SafeAD

Bringing autonomous driving safely to the masses: That is the goal of the start-up SafeAD, a spin-off from the FZI (Forschungszentrum Informatik), an innovation partner of KIT. The three founders, who all earned their doctorates at KIT, want to achieve this with a cardless approach. With the help of their technological knowledge from various fields such as machine learning, computer vision, computer graphics and sensor technology, autonomous driving without maps should reach the masses and change the mobility of the future in the long term.

To the SafeAD website
News 2021
SICK Science AwardSICK Science Award 2020

On December 20, 2021, KCIST awarded the SICK Science Award in cooperation with the KIT Foundation. The prize is awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the research fields of the KCIST.

This year's awards go to the dissertation of Dr. Andreas Kuhnle and the bachelor theses of Peter Koepernik
and Lukas Rapp.

Further information
Herr Kuhlmeier vom KIT steht vor der Kamera und lächelt den Zuschauer anAppearance of the KD²Lab in an episode of "Beta Stories" of the BR

The doctoral researcher Florian Kuhlmeier was interviewed for a segment in the docu-series Beta Stories by the tv channel BR titled "so realistic are relationships with robots" to talk about the research at KIT and especially of the KD²Lab (Karlsruhe Decision & Design Lab) with artificial intelligence-based chatbots designed to help teens get over depression. He and his team are working together on that subject in the "Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft" project CAYD (A conversational agent for youths suffering from major depression).

To the video
Ein Junge kniet auf dem Boden und sieht den Roboter NAO anBOGY Internships at H²T in 2022

In 2022, after the break due to corona , we will finally have BOGY internships at H²T again, for which we are very excited to announce the date:
From April 25 - 29, 2022 we offer internships (German: Berufs- und Studienorientierung an Gymnasien) for groups of school students in the field of robotics. They take place at KIT, Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics, High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T).

Information and application
Ausstellungsraum in dem der Pepper Roboter steht und einen Besucher begrüßtThe RealWorldLab as guest at the ZKM exhibition BioMedia

On Saturday, December 18, 2021, the exhibition "BioMedia - The Age of Media with Life-like Behavior" will open at the Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe (ZKM). Among the numerous exhibition objects is also the robot "Pepper", which was programmed in the context of the project "RealWorldLab - Robotics AI" for his appearance at the exibition by the research group led by Prof. Tamim Asfour at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics, High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T) to welcome the guests, to give them information about the exhibition as a contact person and to invite them to socialize on the sofa.

To the ZKM Exhibition
Vier Bilder mit unterschiedlichem Motiv gruppiert um das Logo des IKBInterdisciplinary Lecture Series at IKB: Topology of Visualization

In this lecture series, in order to determine and denominate different places of agency of visualization, guest from different discourses of knowledge are called upon discussing the idea of visualization which impacts most the character of theories and practices of making visible in their discipline
The online lecture series is organized by the Institute of History of Art and Architecture - IKB, starts on Thursday, November 04, 2021 and will be held every 2 weeks from 18:00 - 19:30.


Further information
Der Titel der Ringvorlesung Data LiteracyZAK Lecture Series: Data Literacy

Data is the resource of the present. And this does not only apply to research. In the lecture series Data Literacy organized by the Centre for Cultural and General Studies (ZAK), KIT internal and external experts deal with the most important aspects of data analysis and use. The lecture series starts on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 and takes place on Wednesdays at 4 pm.

Guest students are very welcome!

Further information
4 NAO Roboter stehen in einer ReiheScience Camp Robotik

From November 2 - 5, 2021 our Science Camp Robotics will take place in person. In the camp, a group of school students will learn some basic, fundamental concepts of robotics and computer science and put them in practice, by programming the NAO humanoid robot. The Camp is a cooperation between KCIST, the KIT research group High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T), the ZML and the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe.

Further information
Science Week Join us at Science Week in Karlsruhe!

Explore the simultaneous automatic translation system in action. Live at KIT's Triangel Open Space on Friday, October 8, 2021 from 10:00 - 15:00. No registration is needed - just stop by and have an insight into KIT's research. This event takes place within the first Science Week, taking place in Karlsruhe from October 5 - 10, 2021.

To the Science Week website
Title of the Science Week Conference ProgramKIT Science Week 2021
Scientific Conference and DGR Days:
The Human in the Center of Learning Systems

The KIT Science Week 2021 focuses on bringing the human back into the center of learning systems, by discussing the development of human-inspired, trustable, understandable, and adaptable AI technologies.

The scientific conference took place from 6 - 8 October 2021.

Download Program (PDF, ca. 2 MB)
Three trucks are driving down a winding roadNew start-up company Camideos

In times of climate change and energy transition, sustainable propulsion technologies for vehicles are becoming increasingly important. The four founders of the start-up Camideos, three of them KIT alumni, have developed software that determines energy and cost potentials for trucks. With the help of Big Data and AI methods, it calculates which consumption occurs in which driving situations. In addition, the spin-off from the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) is examining which sustainable drives can replace diesel fuel.

To the Camideos website (German only)
Simultaneous language translation bridges language barriers (Photo: Markus Breig, KIT)Zoom takes over the spin-off company kites from KIT

The US company Zoom Video Communications acquires kites GmbH, a KIT spin-off specializing in the development of real-time machine translation solutions. This was announced by Zoom on 29.06.2021. Zoom will also invest in further research at the Karlsruhe site.
KIT computer scientists are experts in real-time speech recognition and translation - the team of kites will help to improve Zoom's machine translation.

To the press release
2021_06_Supercomputer_HoreKa_NewsNew KIT Supercomputer "HoreKa" achieves international top rankings in energy efficiency and speed

The new high-performance computer of the KIT is among the 15 fastest computers in Europe. The „Hochleistungsrechner Karlsruhe“ (short „HoreKa“) ranks 53rd on the biannual Top 500 list of the world's fastest computers. In terms of energy efficiency, it even makes the 13th place in the international supercomputer ranking.

To the press release
2021_06_ScienceWeek_NewsKIT Science Week:
Karlsruhe all about KI

KIT Science Week celebrates its premiere. For one week, from October 5th to 10th 2021, researchers from all over the world will dive into the world of artificial intelligence, AI for short, together with participants from politics and industry as well as citizens from the city and the region. The new KIT event format offers diverse approaches to AI and opens up spaces for discourse. KIT wants to take new impulses from the Science Week for its own research agenda as well.

To the press release
SCROScience Camp Robotik Online

From May 26th to June 1st our Science Camp Robotics took place again online. In the camp, a group of school students learnt some basic, fundamental concepts of robotics and computer science and put them in practice, by programming the NAO humanoid robot. The Camp is a cooperation between KCIST, the KIT research group High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T), the ZML and the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe.  


Further information
MaterialsimulationMachine Learning Accelerates Material Simulations

Virtualizing the design process of new materials offers great prospects to accelerate technological innovation. The process of virtual materials screening and design depends on the availability of fast and accurate modelling techniques that reliably predict materials properties at realistic operating conditions. Professor Pascal Friederich, head of the research group AiMat – Artificial Intelligence for Materials Sciences at the Institute of Theoretical Informatics together with colleagues from Göttingen and Toronto do joint research on fast simulation methods.

To the paper (nature materials)
Lydia Albrecht, KITNew Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) GRK 2739 KD2School

The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports the new Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) GRK 2739 "KD2School - Design of adaptive systems for economic decisions". The spokesperson of the GRK 2739 is Professor Christof Weinhardt from the Institute for Information Systems and Marketing at KIT.

To the press release (In German only)
ARMAR 6ARMAR-6 at the Results Conference of the Hightech-Forum

together.grow.shape – under this motto, key players from research, economy and society from all over Germany will meet on April 21, 2021 for the virtual results conference of the high-tech forum. The high-tech forum is the federal government's central innovation policy advisory body for the implementation of the high-tech strategy 2025.

The research on humanoid robotics and artificial intelligent of the High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T) group has also been selected for presentation in an online video. Don't miss it!


To the video
Sicherheitsforschung KIT strengthens IT security research

10 years in the service of cybersecurity: KASTEL continues its successful research in the new Institute for Information Security and Reliability of KIT.

To the press release
Dorothea WagnerDorothea Wagner elected Chairwoman of the Science Council

Computer scientist Dorothea Wagner, who researches and teaches at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is the new chairwoman of the Science Council, the most important research policy advisory body in Germany. The professor and head of the KIT Institute for Theoretical Computer Science is the third woman in this position after her predecessor, the agricultural economist Martina Brockmeier, and the engineering scientist Dagmar Schipanski.

See the KIT Press release (German only)

To the Homepage of the Science Council
News 2020
Mehdi TahooriProfessor Mehdi Tahoori elevated to IEEE Fellow

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) honors the scientist for his research on integrated circuits at the nanoscale. Professor Mehdi Tahoori from the Institute of Computer Engineering (ITEC) of KIT was appointed Fellow by the International Engineering Association IEEE for his groundbreaking contributions in "contributions to resilient nanoscale integrated circuits" and thus awarded the highest membership status.

To the Press Release
Prof_LaurentERC Consolidator Grant for KCIST-Member Professor Laurent Schmalen

Excellent research on energy-efficient communication technology. KCIST-Member Professor Laurent Schmalen receives an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research.

To the press release (German only)
ReallaborKIT will realize Real-world Lab "Robotic Artificial Intelligence"

With its real-world lab "Robotic Artificial Intelligence", KIT will make artificial intelligence tangible through bidirectional exchange between society and research.

"The exchange of knowledge and experience goes in both directions in a real-world lab: Research and application come together at eye level, so that we can then develop precisely the technologies that people really need and want",

says Tamim Asfour about the project.

To the press release (German only)
SCCKIT Becomes Center for National High Performance Computing

Millions of Euros in funding for future supercomputers at KIT - Researchers all over Germany can use enormous computing power from Karlsruhe.

Further Information (German only)
AI_SpeechAI Outperforms Humans in Speech Recognition

The Interactive Systems Lab (ISL) at KIT developed the first speech recognition system worldwide that works better than humans and is quicker than other AIs

To the press release
ARMAR-IIIStaying young in elderly age with humanoid assistive robotics

Goal of the JuBot project (German title: Jung bleiben im Alter mit humanoiden Assistenzrobotern) is the developement of a new generation of humanoid robots that are to assist elderly people in everyday life. 
The project is funded with 4.5 million euros by the Carl Zeiss Foundation. In 2020, the Carl Zeiss Foundation is funding a total of six interdisciplinary research projects with focus on intelligent solutions for an aging society.


Link to the list of funded projects (German only)


To the press release (German only)
Logo of the KIT Competence Center CC-KING
Making Artificial Intelligence manageable for engineers

Goal of the newly started Karlsruhe Competence Center for KI Engineering (CC-KING) is the design and development of methods and tools that make the behavior of systems predictable and their decisions comprehensible. CC-KING is coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB with the participation of the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and the FZI Research Center for Information Technology.

To the press release (German only)
SCROScience Camp Robotics Online

From Sept. 7th to 11th the first Science Camp Robotics took place (online because of the current restrictions). In the camp, a group of school students learnt some basic, fundamental concepts of robotics and computer science and put them in practice, by programming the NAO humanoid robot. The Camp is a cooperation between KCIST, the KIT research group High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T), the ZML and the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe.  

Further Information
Sinemus_SchuetzMinister Kristina Sinemus and State Secretary Katrin Schütz at H2T

On August 10, 2020 the Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus and Katrin Schütz, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Housing of the State of Baden-Württemberg, visited the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics. They gained insights into the current state of research in Artificial Intelligence using the examples of humanoid assistive and collaborative robotics, intuitive human-robot interaction, personalized hand prostheses and augmented exoskeletons.

KITProfessor Peter Sanders receives ERC Advanced Grant
March 31, 2020

Professor Peter Sanders, Institute of Theoretical Informatics, received an ERC Advanced Grant for the Project “ScAlBox - Engineering Scalable Algorithms for the Basic Toolbox”. Goal of the project is the design and development of algorithms and software libraries able to handle huge data sets and to scale to millions of processors working in parallel.

Further Information (German only)
KITProfessor Peter Sanders wins the "Test-of-Time"-Award 2019 of the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)
March 2020

Professor Peter Sanders (Institute of Theoretical Informatics) received together with Ulrich Meyer (University of Frankfurt) the ESA Test-of-Time Award 2019. ESA is the premier European conference on algorithms research. The ESA Test-of-Time Award recognizes excellent papers in algorithms research that were published in the ESA proceedings 19 to 21 years ago and are still influential and stimulating for the field today.

Professor York Sure-Vetter appointed Director of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)
March 2, 2020

Main goal of the NFDI is to make existing scientific and research data available to the national and international scientific community in a structured, networked, well-organized and sustainable way. FIZ Karlsruhe and KIT are entrusted with the establishment of the Directorate of the National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur).


Further Information (German only)
Professor Dorothea Wagner is the new Chairperson of the German Council of Science and Humanities
January 31, 2020

On Friday, 31 January 2020, the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) unanimously elected Professor Dorothea Wagner (Institute of Theoretical Informatics) as its new chairperson.

Further Information (German only)

New Year's speech by Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann
January 1, 2020

In his New Year's speech, the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg talked about three impressive encounters in 2019, including one with Professor Tamim Asfour during his visit to the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics at KIT last November.

Text and video of the speech (German only)
News 2019
Professor Thomas Zwick joins acatech
December 12, 2019

Professor Thomas Zwick, Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE), has become a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering.

Further information (German only)

Winfried Kretschmann and Robert Habeck at IAR-H²T
November 22, 2019

On Friday, 22 November 2019, Baden-Württemberg's Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and the Federal Chairman of the Green Party Robert Habeck visited the Chair of High Performance Humananoid Technologies (H²T) of the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR). During the visit, they gained insight into the current state of research on the topics of humanoid assistance robotics in households, collaborative humanoid robotics for industrial applications and intelligent hand prostheses and exoskeletons.

KIT press release (German only)
Professor Rüdiger Dillmann elevated to IROS Fellow
November, 2019

Professor Rüdiger Dillmann was awarded "IROS Fellow" at the 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019) in Macao.

Open House Day at IAR 2019
November 20, 2019

The High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T) at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) will once again open its doors and give an insight into its current research in humanoid robots technologies within the framework of the European Robotics Week 2019.

Location: KIT, CS, Bldg. 50.20, Ground Floor

Time: 1 pm - 5 pm

Target audience: Anybody interested


KIT Team wins the NEO 2019 Innovation Prize
October 23, 2019

A team of the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics at KIT received the NEO 2019 Innovation Prize for HoloMed, a system designed to support the surgeon in the operating room. Thanks to the deployment of AI methods and augmented reality, HoloMed significantly enhances the precision when performing brain punctures.

The NEO Innovation Prize is awarded yearly by the TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe.

KIT press release

Further Information (German only)
ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award for Professor Alexander Waibel
October 17, 2019

Professor Alexander Waibel (Interactive Systems Labs) recieved the ICMI Sustained Accomplishment Award at the 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in Suzhou (Shanghai) China the 15-17 October. The Sustained Accomplishment Award is awarded each year at ICMI to a senior scientist who has made innovative, long-lasting, and influential contributions to the field of multimodal/multimedia interaction.

ICMI 2019 website

ISRR 2019
October 6-10, 2019

The International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR) 2019 will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam. General Co-Chair is Professor Tamim Asfour (Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics at KIT). ISRR is one of the pioneering symposia in robotics worlwide and it promotes the development and dissemination of groundbreaking research and technological innovation in robotics with emphasis on its potential role to benefit humans.

ISRR 2019 website
Highest Award for Professor Dorothea Wagner
August 13, 2019

Professor Dorothea Wagner (Institute of Theoretical Informatics) received the Konrad Zuse Medal of the German Society of Comuputer Science (German: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.)  for her outstanding achievements in computer science.

KIT press release (German only)

Open House Day 2019 at KIT
June 29, 2019

Last Saturday the KIT Open House Day took place at Campus East. The KCIST was represented with its own tent and gave insights into current research areas regarding wearable robotics and informed about courses of studies in computer science. 

Read more

ROBDEKON Opening Ceremony
June 25, 2019

The BMBF founded competence center ROBDEKON  (German abbrev. for Roboter für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen) was officially inaugurated .

Further information about the opening ceremony (German only)

Project homepage (German only)

TV broadcast (German only)

SICK Science Award 2019
June 19, 2019

On 19 June 2019, KCIST awarded the SICK Science Award in cooperation with the KIT Foundation (German: KIT-Stiftung) in the framework of the "50 Years Informatics" ceremony.

Read more (German)

CYBATHLON Prosthesis Series & AsWeR 2019
May 16-18, 2019

Last week, from 17 - 18 May 2019, the CYBATHLON Powered ARM and LEG Prosthesis Series organized by the Chair of High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H2T) of the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) at KIT in collaboration with ETH Zurich took place.

Read More (German)

Highlight Clip (YouTube)
AgiProbot: Artificial Intelligence for future agile manufacturing
March, 2019

The AgiProbot project, founded by the Carls Zeiss Foundation, started on March 1, 2019. The goal of the project is the design of an agile production system that dynamically reacts to uncertain product specifications using artificial intelligence. The developed solutions will be tested in a demonstrator factory. The team, consisting of different KIT research groups, is coordinated by the KIT Institute of Production Science (wbk).

Project homepage (German only)

AsWeR19 - Call for Papers opened

The Call for Papers for the Symposium on Assistive and Wearable Robotic Technologies (AsWeR) is open. Extended abstracts can be submitted under the following link: 

AsWeR19 takes place at the Trade Fair Centre in Karlsruhe and is co-located with the CYBATHLON Prosthesis Series 2019 and the REHAB19. AsWeR19 and the CYBATHLON Prosthesis Series 2019 are both organized by KIT in cooperation with the CYBATHLON team of the ETH Zürich.

Further Information
Safer Internet Day 2019
Febraury 5, 2019

Under the motto "Together protecting the KIT IT Infrastructure ", the research group SECUSO (AIFB) together with SCC, KASTEL and ZML prepared new KIT specific, easy to understand information material on cyber security based on previous research results. The KIT Safer Internet Day 2019 team will present and distribute this material to the interested public on February 5, from 11 am to 3 pm, in the KIT cafeteria.

Further information (German only)
News 2018
Open Day at IAR 2018
November 21, 2018

This year, the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) will once again open its doors and give an insight into its current research within the framework of the European Robotics Week 2018. Both labs involved, the High Performance and Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T) and the Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab (IPR), will offer guided laboratory tours and some other specials.

Further Information (German only)

Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health
October, 2018

The newly founded Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health (HIDSS4Health) has the goal to train young scientists to deal with the huge amount of data arising in health. This should result into innovative methods for diagnosis and therapy.  HIDSS4Health is a joint doctoral program of KIT, DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center) and the University of Heidelberg. Coordinator at KIT is Professor Ralf Mikut (IAI).

Further information (German only)
10 Years GAMI and Opening of the Artificial Intelligent Innovation Factory

2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute (GAMI), a platform established by Professor Gisela Lanza, wbk Institute of Production Science, to facilitate Sino-German research and innovation programs related to Smart Manufacturing. On the occasion of the celebration that takes place on November 8, 2018 in Suzhou, the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Factory  will be officially opened. The new research facility focuses on the deployment of Artificial Intelligence technologies and cooperative robotics in smart manufactoring environments.

Robotics AI Symposium in Paris
September 5, 2018

The French Académie des sciences and the German Akademie of Sciences Leopoldina jointly organize the Symposium "Data Science versus Motion Intelligence"  to strengthen the cooperation between France and Germany in Robotics AI. The organizers are Jean-Paul Laumond, CNRS-LAAS, France  and Tamim Asfour, KIT, Germany.

KIT News (German only)

Further information
New competence center "ROBDEKON"
July 25, 2018

ROBDEKON (German: "Robotersysteme für menschenfeindliche Umgebungen"), which started last June, deals with the deployment of robotics systems in contaminated area. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is endowed with twelve million euros for four years. 

KIT press release (German only)
June 11-15, 2018

ARMAR-6, developed at the High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T)  within the EU H2020 SecondHands  research project, is shown at CEBIT at KIT booth (G52 in hall 27). The robot demonstrates its capabilities to intelligently and proactively assist a human coworker in the context of an industrial maintenance task.

CEBIT Video (YouTube)

Further information
Artificial Intelligence, humanoid Robots and Deep Learning
July 20, 2018

The magazine "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" organizes a seminar on the topic artificial intelligence, with particular focus on humanoid robotics and deep learning in computer vision. The speakers are Professor Rainer Stiefelhagen (cv:hci) and Professor Tamim Asfour (H²T). A tour through the labs of the H²T-IAR research group will close the program. 


Further information (German only)
Professor Michael Beigl in the "Tagesschau"
April 23, 2018

Professor Michael Beigl (Chair for Pervasive Computing Systems) gave an interview in the Tagesschau (German national television news service) about the meaning of the Hannover Messe for the German economy. Further, he spoke about Germany’s current role and position in an international comparison in the areas of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence.

Interview (Tagesschau Website)


The KUKA Udacity Robot Learning Lab at KIT
March, 2018

The new KUKA Udacity Robot Learning Lab will be established at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics - Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab (IAR-IPR). The Lab, unique of its kind, will enable students worldwide to interact with real industrial robots through a remote interface and validate self-developed solutions directly on the robot.

KIT press release

Further information

Honorary Colloquium for Professor Hartmut Schmeck

The 34th AIK-Symposiums "Good Algorithms" was held on Friday, February 16, 2018, in the Tulla Hall at KIT. On this occasion, the former KCIST scientific spokesperson, Professor Hartmut Schmeck (AIFB), celebrated his farewell from teaching at KIT.

Further information (German only)
Professor Thomas Zwick elevated to IEEE Fellow

Professor Thomas Zwick (IHE) has been elevated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to IEEE Fellow, effective January 1, 2018, for his "contributions to millimeter wave transceivers". IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

Further information (German only)
News 2017
Publication in Science Robotics

The taxonomy of whole-body support poses developed at the High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T) at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR) has been presented in the article "A whole-body support pose taxonomy for multi-contact humanoid robot motions" published in Science Robotics (20 Dec. 2017).

ARMAR-6 in the media

The first press release featuring the humanoid robot ARMAR-6 was launched. The robot was developed at the High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab (H²T) within the EU H2020 SecondHands research project.

Article in IEEE Spectrum 

Overview of press coverage

BOGY positions

KIT offers this year several opportunities to pupils, who would like to carry out their BOGY (German: Berufs- und Studienorientierung am Gymnasium in Baden-Württemberg) internship in the field of information technologies. Here some Links with further information:

Infomatics BOGY

Robotics BOGY at H2T

Robotics BOGY at MINT Kolleg

European Robotics Week: Open day at IAR-H2T and IAR-IPR

Within the framework of the European Robotics Week 2017, the Intelligent Process Automation and Robotics Lab   and the High Performance Humanoid Technologies Lab at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics open their doors to the public, respectively on November 21 and November 22, 2017. Registration is not required.

Further information (German only)

Honorary Colloquium for Professor Heinz Wörn

A colloquium in honor of Professor Heinz Wörn took place on October 20, 2017 in the Garden Hall of the Karlsruhe Palace, on the occasion of his retirement. High-ranking guests from academia and industry attended the colloquium, which offered a lively overview of Professor Wörn's successful career.

Further information (German only)

Robotics meets children at KIT

About 400 children attended the lecture “Mensch oder Maschine? Die Menschmaschine”, held by Professor Tamim Asfour on August 1, 2017 at the “KIT-Kinder-Uni 2017”. The young public listened with great interest to the latest developments in the field of humanoid robotics and participated actively to the lecture by answering questions and expressing opinions. Demos with the NAO humanoid robot and other toy robots rounded the lecture and were a true highlight for all children. The lecture is available online here.

Successful Open Day 2017 at KIT

The KIT Open Day 2017 at Campus North, on June 24, was a great success. KCIST contributed to the event, by entertaining the visitors with a varied program, ranging from humanoid robots, mini radars and a system for the automatic translation of lectures at KIT.

Official KIT press release


Professor Alex Waibel elected member of "Leopoldina"

On March 15, 2017 Professor Alex Waibel (Interactive Systems Labs) was elected to the Leopoldina, one of the oldest academies of science in the world.  It is dedicated to the advancement of science for the benefit of humankind and to the goal of shaping a better future. The Leopoldina brings together outstanding scientists from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries.

Further information (German only)
Dr. Santiago Pagani awarded the ACM “Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award”

Dr. Santiago Pagani from the Chair for Embedded Systems has been awarded the ACM “Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award” from SIGBED (Special Interest Group Embedded Systems of ACM) for his PhD thesis entitled “Power, Energy, and Thermal Management for Clustered Manycores".

Further information
CeBIT: Symposium "Robotics in the 21st Century"

Robotics experts from leading universities in Germany will discuss at CeBIT in Hannover current trends, newest achievements and future opportunities of robotics in the 21st century with special focus on human-machine interaction. The symposium will take place on March 22, 2017 (Hall 6 Konferenzforum Future Talk and Convention Center hall A3).

Further information (German only)
KIT Motion-Language Dataset released

The High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T) group released the KIT Motion-Language Dataset, an open large-scale dataset for linking human whole-body motion with natural language.

Link to the Paper 

Link to the Press Release of the Journal Publisher 

KIT im Rathaus

The KIT Center Information ▪ Systems ▪ Technologies (KCIST) presents itself to the Karlsruhe public on Wednesday, January 25th, 2017, 6:30 pm, in the Karlsruhe City Hall. KCIST researchers will give an overview of some innovative research activities at KIT in the area of "Big Data and artificial intelligence".

KIT-Reihe im Rathaus traf auf enorme Resonanz (German only)

Pictures of the event

Videos on DIVA


Further information (German only)
Professor Uwe D. Hanebeck elevated to IEEE Fellow

Professor Uwe D. Hanebeck (ISAS) has been elevated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to IEEE Fellow, effective January 1, 2017, for his "contributions to nonlinear estimation and control". IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

News 2016
Professor Dennis Hofheinz awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant

Professor Dennis Hofheinz develops new systems, by combining established cryptography methods with new elements under the project “PREP-CRYPTO: Preparing Cryptography for Modern Applications”. The European Research Council (ERC) will fund this project with about EUR 2 million in the next five years.

Further information
ARAMiS II: Multi-Core Processors for Mobility and Industry 4.0

The Kick-off meeting of the project ARAMiS II took place early December 2016 at KIT. The goal of ARAMiS II is to enhance safety, efficiency, and comfort by using multi-core technologies in vehicles, aircraft, and production facilities. The project is funded by BMBF with EUR 15 Million.

Further information
Professor Jörn Müller-Quade joins Acatech

Thanks to his outstanding achievements in the field of theoretical computer science and cybersecurity, Professor Jörn Müller-Quade, Institute of Theoretical Informatics, has become a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering.

Further information (German only)
Professor Dorothea Wagner joins Acatech

Thanks to her outstanding achievements in the field of theoretical computer science,
Professor Dorothea Wagner, Institute of Theoretical Informatics, has become a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering.

Further information (German only)
Inauguration Colloquium for the Research Training Group “Energy Status Data“

The German National Science Foundation (DFG) has granted a research training program „Energy Status Data – Informatics Methods for its Collection, Analysis, and Exploitation“ at KIT, which has started on May 1st, 2016. The inauguration colloquim will take place on November 7th, 2016 at 4 pm in the Tulla lecture hall of KIT.


Further information
Professor Hartmut Schmeck awarded the Heinrich-Hertz-Preis

At the annual meeting of the KIT Energy Center, the EnBW Foundation awarded Professor Hartmut Schmeck the Heinrich Hertz Prize 2016 for his outstanding achievements in the field of Energy Informatics. In particular, the award recognizes Professor Schmeck's contributions to the development and deployment of innovative information and communication technologies in intelligent energy management systems.

Further Information (German only)
The Challenge of Big Data in Science

The 5th International LSDMA Symposium on “The Challenge of Big Data in Science” will be held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, on October 5th, 2016. The program includes presentations from several internationally renowned speakers.

The full program as well as registration and travel information and  can be found on the symposium homepage.

Further Information
Definitive book of Machine Vision

KCIST members Prof. J. Beyerer and Prof. F. Puente León published a standard work on Machine Vision. The book offers a thorough introduction to machine vision and covers systematically all relevant components of most automated visual inspection and image processing systems.

Further Information
KIT starts new degree in Computer Science as part of the teacher training program

Starting from the winter semester 2016/2017 the KIT Department of Informatics will offer a new degree program as part of its teacher training program (German Lehramtstudium). The new course of studies aims at training qualified teaching staff for computer science education in schools.
An information event on April 22, 2016 will be held at the KIT Department of Informatics to present the new course of studies to teachers and all interested participants.  


Further Information (German only)

The 19th International Conference on Information Fusion will be held on July 5-8, 2016 in Heidelberg, Germany. General Co-Chairs are professor Uwe D. Hanebeck, KIT, and Dr. Wolfgang Koch, Fraunhofer FKIE.

Further Information
DGR Days 2016

The DGR Days 2016, an event of the German Robotics Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Robotik, DGR),  will be held on June 29-30 2016, in conjuction with RoboCup 2016, in Leipzig. The goal is to create a forum for academic exchange and foster a visible and interdisciplinary robotics community in Germany. A DGR Round Table will complement the program on June 30 - July 1, 2016.

Further Information
DFG grants new Graduate School

Energy provisioning systems have to cope with fluctuating supply and flexible demands. Goal of the new Graduate School “Energy Status Data - Informatics Methods for its Collection, Analysis and Exploitation” is the optimization of energy supply, through a structured collection, storage and analysis of large amounts of energy status data. Spokesperson is Professor Klemens Böhm, Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD). The Graduate School will start on May 1st, 2016.

Further Information
News 2015
4th D-A-CH Energieinformatik Conference

Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have set ambitious targets for increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emission and enlarging the share of renewable energy sources. Energy Informatics is developing the IT-based solutions required for achieving these targets. Fostering the transfer in this area between academia, industry and service providers was a major goal of the 4th D-A-CH Energieinformatik Conference, chaired by Professor Hartmut Schmeck (AIFB) and held in Karlsruhe on November 12-13, 2015.

Further Information
DFG Grants SPP 1835

The SPP 1835 will design and implement methods for the cooperation among different interacting traffic participants, with the aim of enhancing the safety, reducing the environmental impact and the use of resources, improving the traffic flow as well as enabling a "life-long mobility for all". Coordinator of the SPP 1835 is  Professor Christoph Stiller, Institut für Mess- und Regelungstechnik (MRT). 

Further Information (German only)
31th AIK-Symposium

Flexibility is a major requirements for future energy provisioning systems that will have to cope with both fluctuating demands and dithering supply.  Experts from academia, in particular from KIT-AIFB and FZI, and industry discussed recent developments in the area at the 31th AIK-Symposium "Smart Energy" on October 23rd, 2015.

Further Information (German only)
Maribel Acosta wins Best Student Paper Award at K-Cap 2015

October 11th 2015 - Maribel Acosta of the group Web Science and Knowledge Management (Prof. Studer / Prof. Sure-Vetter) won the Best Student Paper Award at the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-Cap), Palisades, USA, 2015 with the paper "HARE: A Hybrid Engine to Query Answers via Crowdsourcing".

ISAS-ZAK cooperation awarded by "Germany - Land of ideas"

Media art is often so space consuming that it can hardly be exhibited permanently. The cooperation between ISAS and ZAK „e-Installation – Virtual experience-room for media art" (German: "Virtueller Erlebnisraum für Medienkunst") aims at preserving works of media art for future generations by means of telepresence.

The project was awarded on September 23, 2015 as "Distiguished location 2015" by the initiave "Germany - Land of ideas" .

Further Information (German only)
Prof. Heinz Wörn awarded honorary doctorate degree

Prof. Heinz Wörn, Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics, received on March 18, 2015 from the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia, the honorary doctorate degree, for his long-standing commitment to the German-Russian cooperation in the area of robotics and automation.

Successful grant application for InterACT

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) approved the proposal “Continuous Learning in International Collaborative Studies” (CLICS), which provides the International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies (InterACT) with a four years support. CLICS will develop three international Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in the areas of automatic speech recognition, machine translation and robotics.  To facilitate international access to the MOOCs automatic transcription and translation technology will be used.

Prof. Dorothea Wagner in the German Council of Science and Humanities

In January 2015 Federal President Joachim Gauck appointed Prof. Dorothea Wagner, Institute of Theoretical Informatics (ITI), to serve for three years in the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat).

Further Information
30 Years FZI

On January 28-29, 2015 the FZI Research Center for Information Technology celebrated its 30th anniversary by organizing the congress “30 Years of Knowledge Transfer” with presentations on key topics like security, mobility, health care, industry 4.0, logistics, robotics, and energy. An Open House event rounded the program.

Prof. Jörg Henkel elevated to IEEE Fellow

Prof. Jörg Henkel (Chair for Embedded Systems) has been elevated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to IEEE Fellow, effective January 1, 2015, for his "contributions to hardware/software codesign of embedded computing systems". IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

Prof. Alexander Waibel elevated to IEEE Fellow

Prof. Alexander Waibel  (Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics) has been elevated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to IEEE Fellow, effective January 1, 2015, for his "contributions to neural network based speech recognition and translation and multimodal interfaces". IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

News 2014
Prof. Alexander Waibel elevated to IEEE Fellow

Prof. Alexander Waibel  (Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics) has been elevated by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to IEEE Fellow, effective January 1, 2015, for his "contributions to neural network based speech recognition and translation and multimodal interfaces". IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.

Forum Bildverarbeitung 2014

On November 27-28, 2014, the Forum Bildverarbeitung 2014, an international forum on image processing, will take place in Regensburg. The event is organized for the third time by the Institute for Industrial Information Technology (IIIT) at KIT together with the VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik and Fraunhofer IOSB.

Homepage Forum Bildverarbeitung 2014
KASTEL Team wins the 5th German IT-Security Prize

A joint cooperation between KASTEL and the Wibu-Systems AG was awarded on October 23, 2014, with the first prize of the 5th German IT Security Prize of the Horst Görtz Foundation for their Blurry Box® method for software protection.

KIT press release

Further Information (German only)
Team of Prof. T. Asfour wins the Best Poster Award at ICSR 2014

The results of a cooperation between the research group High Performance Humanoid Technologie (H²T) at KIT and the Takanishi Laboratory, Waseda University (Japan) were awarded with a best paper award on the "International Conference on Social Robotics": "A Novel Culture-Dependent Gesture Selection System for a Humanoid Performing Greeting Interaction", G. Trovato, M. Do, M. Kuramochi, M. Zecca, Ö. Terlemez, T. Asfour, A. Takanishi.

Professor Joachim Milberg visits the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics

Professor Joachim Milberg, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BMW AG, visited on October 22, 2014, the Institut for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR).

Team of Prof. R. Stiefelhagen wins the IBM Best Student Paper Award at ICPR 2014

The Paper Z. Al-Halah, L. Rybok, R. Stiefelhagen, "What to Transfer - High-Level Semantics in Transfer Metric Learning for Action Similiarity" won the IBM Best Student Paper Award in the category „Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning“ at the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014).

To the Press Release
Prof. Puente Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Technisches Messen"

Since July 1, 2014 Prof. Puente serves together with Prof. Zagar (Uni Linz) as Editor-in-Chief of the renowned journal  Technisches Messen  (TM - Technical Measurement), a professional journal addressing the entire spectrum of  application-based industrial measurement technology.