BMBF - AI-NET ANTILLAS - Accellerating digital transformation in Europe by Intelligent NETwork automation |
BMBF - FLAIM - Flexible automation & machine learning to commercialize optoelectronic Components |
BMBF - ForLab DiFeMiS Forschungslabor Mikroelektronik Karlsruhe |
BMBF - Innovationscluster INOPRO |
BMBF - KIGLIS - Künstliche Intelligenz zur Optimierung von Glasfasernetzen in einer intelligenten Stadt |
BMBF - OML - Organisches Maschinelles Lernen |
BMBF - ZuSE-KI-mobil – Plattform für energieeffiziente KI-Prozessoren in mobilen Anwendungen |
BMBF CoPoT - Connected Power Tools |
BMWi - AUDITOR - European Cloud Service Data Protection Certification |
BMWi - MODULAR - Smart actuator concepts for electromechanical and electrohydraulic drives |
DAAD-BMBF - CLICS - Continuous Learning in Collaborative Studies |